Elevate Your Journey with our Manta Warrior Men's Group and Kundalini Yoga Program.

Juggling the pressures of a busy work and personal life can really take a toll! Maybe there’s an inner voice that keeps you feeling anxious and steering you away from reaching your goals. Or a buzzing inside that leaves you feeling restless most days. Maybe you’re feeling alone trying to deal with life’s stress on your own. You’re not seeing significant results and feel like you keep failing.

If you're craving some spiritual depth, we've tailored our Manta Warrior Men's Group and Kundalini Yoga Program to merge timeless wisdom with practical, body-based practices to clear your mind, silence the inner critic, and provide resources to manage stress. It's all about making deep, meaningful transformations, guiding you towards feeling more connected, purposeful, and adaptable so you can embrace lasting holistic fitness.

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Where Mind Meets Soul: 

Manta Warriors: Walk The Path On A Journey Of Masculine Evolution…

Men come here seeking a brotherhood dedicated to personal growth which transcends the traditional notions of masculinity. Through practices like Somatic Experiencing, breathwork and Mindfulness Based Stress Relief (MBSR), we harness the body's physiological responses for significant emotional, relational and psychological benefits.

By participating in these transformative practices, we learn to confront our fears, develop tools to relieve stress, improve our emotional intelligence, and grow together as men who understand one another’s struggles. Every voice, every story matters here-because in this brotherhood, you’re never alone.

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$20 Drop-in ; $69 per month

Elevate Your Being: Experience Kundalini Yoga For Spiritual Awakening

5 Session pass for $90
10 Session pass for $180
Unlimited monthly pass for $130


Kundalini yoga is a style of yoga that moves energy upwards from the base of the spine through a combination of movement, breathwork, meditation and chanting. This technology will open your heart, boost your immune system, relieve stress, build inner strength and awareness while sharpening your intuition and enhancing your quality of life. Kundalini Yoga is the yoga for you, regardless of your age or physical condition.

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Kind Words

from Clients

"Kundalini yoga has been an absolute game-changer for me. Through meditation and movement Ursula guided me towards embracing and nurturing myself right where I am. For the first time, I felt genuinely ready to prioritize my own well-being. Ursula’s unwavering motivation and support have empowered me to explore new avenues of self-care, and I couldn't be more grateful."

- karen

"I had never done Kundalini yoga before, but have been open to it and I’m really liking it. I really enjoy the breath work and my days are so much better after I take a class."

- heather

"I always leave feeling empowered, jazzed and grateful for what my mind and body are capable of doing. Exhaling all the negativity is an incredible release, now that I have opened myself up to it."

- nicole

Schedule a Class Today and Take the First Step Towards a Stronger, Healthier You in a Community That Supports Your Every Move!


class schedule

What should I expect during a Kundalini yoga class? 

Class begins with a short chant followed by a warm-up to stretch the spine and improve flexibility. From there, you move into the kriya (a preset series of poses done with a specific breathing technique), then a sound healing by the teacher playing a large gong, ending with a meditation and closing song or chant. 

How does Kundalini Yoga differ from other forms of yoga? 

It incorporates the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of yoga into one cohesive and integrated system. It has a much broader emphasis on breathing, meditation, hand positions or mudras, chanting or mantra and spirituality. The practice balances the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system and expands the lung capacity and purifies the bloodstream. It enables you to harness the energy of your mind and emotions, so you can be in control of yourself, rather than be controlled by your thoughts and feelings. 

What should I expect during the men’s group meetings?

We typically start each meeting giving each man an opportunity to “check-in” on how he is feeling physically and emotionally. Then, each meeting is facilitated with a prompted subject where men are encouraged to share how the message connects with them - some may offer understanding or perspective with others. Also, during each meeting, men are invited to participate in some form of somatic practice, meditation, or mindfulness exercise that can further be used as a daily practice, outside of the men’s group. And we close the meeting inviting each man to “check-out” with how they feel after our discussion.

Is it safe to awaken your Kundalini? 

Kundalini is designed to be safe and progressive. We systematically train our mind and attune our bodies to safely hold higher frequencies of energy.

How can I as a Christian/Muslim/Jewish/Other believe that God is within us and that practicing Kundalini yoga is not in itself a sin? 

Kundalini yoga is about experiencing God within. It is not a religion, has nothing to do with beliefs and is not a substitute for religious practices. Kundalini has the effect of uplifting our spirit. It works from within, energizing our normally dormant spiritual energy. It can help us find God, but in a non-denominational way. Regular practice will make you a better believer, no matter what religious background. Whatever your beliefs, the end goal is the same…life is not about being identified with a label, life is about being divinely you!

What is Somatic Experiencing?

The word “somatic” comes from Greek “soma” which means body. Somatic Experiencing is a body-mind therapy focused on using sensations and experiences within the body to relieve stress and/or heal trauma.

Is Manta Men’s group therapy?  

While the work we do in the men’s group may feel therapeutic, it is not formal therapy.

What subjects/topics are discussed in the men’s group?  

Leadership, emotional development, career, fatherhood, masculinity, stress release techniques, are just some topics we share our experiences and support one another.. But where the real work happens is the times we hold the space and provide support for any man who wishes to explore his own trauma, in whatever form it may live within his body.  


Ready to Elevate Your Journey? 

Join our Manta Warrior Men's Group or Kundalini Yoga Class today and embark on a transformative path to inner strength and spiritual awakening.

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